This Month is Update October

Rather than boring you all with stories, this month I decided I would share with you some of the great changes that are happening at Oregon Trail Council’s properties. If you haven’t been to our properties over the last few years, you haven’t seen the many changes that have been happening.

Camp by Camp Improvements

Let’s start with Camp Murnane. Approximately 3 ½ years ago we replanted trees after the logging that was performed for safety reasons, due to the ice storm of 2016. The new crop of seedlings is looking great. In 25–30 years, it will look very similar to what it looked like before the storm. A shout out to John Owens for helping get our electricity and pump working again. In addition, a big thank you to Skip Hruby for fixing the fencing and the gate that is on the east entrance to our property by the pond.

 Camp Chinook continues with its improvements. The camp is a great 3-acre piece of property that is along the west fork of the Millicoma River. The lodge is looking fantastic. All the work can be attributed to the persistence and dedication of Deb Reid, Dr. Dallas Carter, Dennis Beetham, and Joe Stoneburg. New adirondacks and driveway into the property make it a perfect camp for unit camping.

Camp Kitson has a fairly new track for vehicles to cross on the bridge into camp. In addition, Matt Meske and Troop 164 have spent countless hours improving adirondacks and kybos on the property. Kitson is one of our most scenic camp properties.

 Camp Salholm has not had much happen as of late. However, Troop 314 has recently expressed an interest on taking on that property and helping us move in the right direction.

 At Camp Baker, you will just have to go and visit to see all the improvements. Underground electrical wiring, new shower house, working on a new Rifle Range, a new ADA accessible campsite, and a new health lodge is under construction, as well. As I said, there are too many to list in this SE’s minute. By the way, if you know of anybody that can donate $300,000 to the cause we will have one of the best C.O.P.E. courses in the country. We have the designs; we are just looking for funding.

 Camp Mooney has had a footbridge replaced, a new storage shed, and 3 new fire rings in the camp sites. The replanting of the trees is providing another new crop of timber for the Scouts for years to come. There are plans to increase the footprint of the existing ramada as well. We have Fred Linton, Matthew Shumway, and Troop 36, among many others to thank for all the work happening at Mooney.

 Camp Melakwa has new wood chips over a big portion of the main camp area, a new water trailer, and a new shower house that is in the process of construction, among other items. Karl Grimes, Jim Wiley, Roger Haxby, Paul Parker and many, many others are responsible for the work happening at Melakwa.

 Last, but certainly not least is Weyerhaeuser Woods. Many projects have greatly improved Weyerhaeuser Woods. The work that has happened there includes the mowing of the meadows, adding two new campsites, and a new enlarged parking area.

The work has all happened due to the arduous work of Mike Green, Eugene Reynolds, Jim Smith, Troop 28, and Troops 179, and 4179.

 Thank you to all the people that have helped our properties become what they are today!!!!!

 Yours in Scouting,

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