Scout Executive's Minute July 25, 2023

Summer Means Outdoor Adventures.

Summer is the time for vacations, for adventures with friends and family, and to get outdoors and enjoy the planet that we all share together. Whether we do that outside of Scouting, or we do it in Scouting, it is the time to really enjoy all that our planet has to offer. It can be the beach, the mountains, rolling prairies, the desert, high desert, or the plains. Our world has a unique beauty to each and every environment.

What does the outdoors do for us?

I can only speak for myself when it comes to how the outdoors impacts me. I know this summer I spent a week at the beach in North Carolina. One day my wife asked me if I wanted to do some sightseeing and go to a farmer’s market. I told her I would be fine sitting on the beach and swimming in the 75-degree ocean water by myself if the rest of the family wanted to do that. The beach and ocean relax me, the beach and ocean reinvigorate me.

Within the next month and a half, I am also going on a motorcycle ride with Board members and some Eugene businesspeople. Being out in the open on my motorcycle also relaxes and reinvigorates me. I usually ride with a huge smile on my face. In addition to that I am planning on a backpacking trip for about a week in the Cascades if the fires stay away from that area. You would also probably see a big smile on my face while backpacking as well. Enjoying the beauty of our planet in areas that many people do not get to see because they prefer to be closer to a vehicle, makes me happy. The mountains relax and invigorate me.

During COVID I had a group of people from my high school graduating class that had connected by email. Everybody seemed so depressed. Some had not been outside of their house in three months. I responded back to the group and said they sounded like a bunch of ninety-year-olds. I also stated that for me, it was time to get busy living, or get busy dying. My choice was living. Many got very mad at me, Thinking I was against social distancing. I told them that I could not be stuck indoors. I had to be outside enjoying life. I also sent them a picture of me outside during the pandemic. Since you really cannot see me, my son and I were socially distancing, I believe.

I never really gave much thought to my own mental health. However, I have to say that these trips help me tremendously, as I am just so much more relaxed before, during, and after these trips. I would guess that getting outdoors and experiencing life is what makes me happy.

I tell you this because I think the outdoors does wonders for my mental health. Scouts have more opportunities to experience these types of adventures than most of our youth.

The problem is, we do not share these adventures with the rest of our community as well as we should or could. Let us show our community what we are up to this summer. Share the experiences our Scouts are having. Those include National Jamboree, summer camp, and super activities. We need to share with the community how we, as Scouts, take care of our mental health. We get outdoors and enjoy our world and each other’s company.

As always, you all have my appreciation for what you do in Scouting! Thank you for taking the time to read this article! And, again, thank you so much for your time, energy, and dedication to Scouting! Have a great and SAFE summer!

Yours in Scouting,


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