Last Month I Wrote…

Summer is the time for vacations, for adventures with friends and family, and to get outdoors and enjoy the planet that we all share together. Whether we do that outside of Scouting, or we do it in Scouting, it is the time to really enjoy all that our planet has to offer. It can be the beach, the mountains, rolling prairies, the desert, high desert, or the plains. Our world has a unique beauty to each and every environment.


I’m out. 


Well, this week I am doing what our Scouts do. I am in the Diamond Peak area backpacking for six days. If you could see me, I would have a big smile on my face. I am enjoying the beauty of our state. I love Oregon! 


So that means I don’t have much to say this month. Go out there and enjoy life! Go out there and enjoy our beautiful state! I am done talking this month. I’m out! 

You will hear from me again next month and….as always, you all have my appreciation for what you do in Scouting! Thank you for taking the time to read this article! And, again, thank you so much for your time, energy, and dedication to Scouting! Have a great and SAFE month! 

Yours in Scouting, 

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