Holiday Letters 2022

This month I want to go back to an article that I did for Trail Smoke in December of 2020. The article talked about those holiday letters that we get from friends and family inside a holiday card. The letters that give an update on what everybody in the family has been doing over the last year. Yes, the ones from the families that you connect with just a couple times a year.

In keeping in that vein, I wanted to send to you our 2022 Oregon Trail Council family holiday letter. Sorry, we forgot to send one in 2021!


Happy Holidays! Our family hopes that you are all well and enjoying this holiday season! We want to give you an update on what has been happening with our family this past year.

Lauren and Hannah Rice – OTC’s FIRST Female Eagle Scouts
2022 has been a good year! We should end the year with more youth active in Scouting then we had in 2021. Those youth that were active were participating in Scouting through more than 80 Packs, Troops, Crews, Posts, and Ships. We continue to see more of our young women registered in Scouting. In 2022 we saw our first female Scouts earn their Eagle Rank. Congratulations to Lauren and Hannah Rice!

In January, we started out with a bang. Doug Fir District hosted our annual Klondike at Lemolo Lake Junction. Great fun was had by all on a 50-degree day in the snow. We had a great “Fun with Scouts” program in April that saw several Scout families make their way to Camp Baker for a full days’ worth of fun events.

Now, as you know, our family loves the outdoors. Well, the month of May rolled around and we had some great district gatherings in the woods we call Camporees. No, the rain didn’t stop us from having a good time. We’re not like our relatives in the Scout family in Arizona. They cancel outings if there is rain. June, July, and August came around and our family went in many different directions. Our Cubs enjoyed day camps all over the council boundaries, as well as resident camp at Camp Baker. Our Scouts went to summer camp. Some attending Baker and Melakwa. Others deciding to get an experience outside of the council.

The adult members of the family attended Golf Tournaments, Sporting Clays Events, and Auctions to help support the Scouts in their program. This year’s auction netted the most we have ever made on the event. The Sporting Clays Event is helping us build a new Rifle Range at our Camp Baker. The old one was crushed when a tree blew down and destroyed it.

Well, our family is smaller than it has been in the past, however we are excited about all that we do and that our family will grow because of how much fun it is to be a part of our family. We also know that our children will be the future leaders of the communities we live in. That enables us to have faith in our communities and our future.

Although 2022 has also brought us challenges, we are so excited about our future in our Scouting family. You know why? We have youth and adults that find opportunity in challenges. With that kind of attitude, our family can only persevere, grow, and thrive. Our only challenge moving forward is for all of us to come together as a family to spread the word about our great program and recruit more members.

As always, thank you for listening and for your commitment to Scouting in Oregon Trail Council! We are looking forward to 2023!

Thank you!

Yours in Scouting,

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